en-US,en;q=0.5 ICHC2007 - 22nd International Conference on the History of Cartography, Berne, July 8-13, 2007
EN | DE | FR  ICHC2007

Konrad Türst: De situ confoederatorum descriptio [1495/97]

1   Introduction 
2   Contact Information  
3   Academic Programme 
4   Presentations 
5   Registration 
6   Meals and Special Events 
7   Accompanying Persons 
8   General Tourist Information 
9   Schedule and Conference Programme 
City Map 
Organizing Committee 
Participating Institutions 
PDF Call for Papers
Printable version of this page
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6.1  Lunch and Snacks
6.2  Welcome reception
6.3  Exhibitions
6.4  Professional Visits
6.5  Farewell Dinner
6.6  Post-Conference Tours
We offer two post-conference tours that can be booked independently.
6.6.1  Day trip to Basel, Saturday, July 14
6.6.2  Three-day Post-Conference Tour, Sunday, July 15 to Tuesday, July 17
The tours are planned so that you can participate in both. In this case please note that you would have to book your accommodation in Berne until Sunday, July 15. Of course you do have the option to take a rest in Berne on Saturday and join the three-day tour beginning on Sunday. Alternatively, you may book the one-day tour to Basel only and be back in your hometown in time to start a new work week.

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